Thursday 21 January 2010

What I've been reading this week - Losing My Religion

Losing My Religion: Unbelief in Australia by Tom Frame (UNSW Press, 2009)

This is several books in one - yet it hangs together. the first 'book' provides three chapters on the context of belief and unbelief in Australia covering the history and the soliological data with a sure footed balance.

The second 'book'  provides an accessible survey of unbelief in philosophical, scientific and theological context.

'Book' the third explores the consequences of unbelief more broadly and then with specific reference to Australian debates about God and about what a secular society is.

This is a book that does not require detailed technical knowledge but is written with an openness about the author's own engagement in the journey of faith and why he remains a Christian. It is also written with an effort to report fairly the arguments and the critiques of religion of both the atheists and the anti-theists. I intend to pick up some of the issues that Tom raises on the way through in the near future.

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