Tuesday 30 June 2009

William Stringfellow - A True Radical

The re-publication of William Stringfellow's impassioned polemic Dissenter in a Great Society: A Christian View of America in Crisis (Wipf & Stock, 2005) provides with a rearview mirror view of the United States that does not look wildly different from the view looking forward.

Forty years after publication Stringfellow's analysis reads well, His theological perspective stood him in good stead in getting beyond the limits imposed by the spirit of the age.

The Christian political witness is affirming and loving the essential humanity of all in Christ in the midst of man's abdication of human life and despite the whole array of death's assaults against human life.

The Christian political witness is the audacity to trust that God's love for this world's existence is redeeming, so Christians are human beings free to live in this world by grace in all practical matters and decision. (164)

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