Saturday 21 June 2008

Subsizing World Youth Day

The costs to the NSW State government of staging the Catholic church's World Youth Day this year is going to come in a bit under $100 million but probably not by much.

I have to say I find this troubling - for a couple of reasons. One is that security legislation similar to that inforce during the legendary APEC schemozzle last year is in force. (the challenge to the Chaser Team must be almost irresistible). The second is that the church has tied itself up with government by accepting a substantial financial subsidy for an event which relates to the heart of the church's activity in encouraging pilgrimage and proclamation of its core identity as a movement committed to following Jesus.

Something is not quite right here - the dissonance between the life and witness of Jesus and the acceptance of subsidisation by government and assent to use of legislation which concentrates increased power in the hands of the state is too sharp for me to feel comfortable.

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