Sunday 27 April 2008

Engaging the world

Recent readings from the daily readings from Bonhoeffer I Want to Live these Days with You bring into view an understanding of what it is to be a Christian that was more than academic.

Those who affirm the resurrection of Christ in faith can no longer withdraw from the world, nor can they become slaves to the world, for in the midst of the old creation they know God's new creation. (April 23, p.118)

Unlike believers in the myths of redemption Christians do not have a last escape from earthly tasks and difficulties into the eternal. Rather they must completely and fully enjoy earthly life as Christ did. Only when they do this will the crucified and resurrected One be with them. Only when they do this will they be crucified and resurrected with Christ. The present age must not be prematurely abolished. In this Old Testament and New Testament remain united. Myths of redemption arise from human boundary experiences. But Christ meets human beings in the middle of their lives. (April 24, p.119)

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